
# KindnessMatters

加入多样性, 股本, 包容, 和归属委员会(DEIBC),认识到善良的力量

分享你的善意 得到的启发


# KindnessMatters

“她早上给我煮咖啡! 和一个真心的人一起工作真的很特别 有爱心的. 非常感谢你,Ali Willand."

-临床教育合规协调员Sharon Mantz


# KindnessMatters

"I have been working on my courses in Canvas, the new Learning 管理 System. 健康 Care Business instructor Gretchen Jopp sits right across the hall from me on the 5th floor. Any question (or questions) I have, Gretchen stops what she is doing to help me. 她停下正在做的事, brainstorms with me to find the solutions or simply answers my questions. 格雷琴的 承诺 to learning the LMS is evident, as well as her compassion to help her peers!!! 谢谢你,格雷琴!"




Celebrate kindness this new year by participating in the PG电子APP Diversity, 股本, 包容, 和归属委员会(DEIBC)的“仁爱之事”运动! 从 2月. 8日至2月. 16, 2024, 提名一个你见过的人(同学), 完成一件善举的同事或校友, or share a kind gesture you have recently offered someone else via the submission form below. 这个行为应该代表五个人中的一个 PG电子APP价值观,包括关怀、诚信、承诺、卓越和学习. In your submission, please make sure to list which Value the act is representing.     

PG电子APP students, faculty, staff and alumni are welcome to participate. We know how kind and 有爱心的 each of you are and cannot wait to receive your submissions! 

填写我的 在线表单.

# KindnessMatters


"My classmate, Jenni Scranton, showed me how she does her notetaking last Friday. Not everyone takes their time to explain things to someone they are not close to. 我很感激她的好意 有爱心的!"

——Eunjeong Lee,在读学生

"One of our International students needed some help with navigating the online campus program. 我向CTE的Ricardo寻求帮助, 进行实践培训, 因为它更容易让学生看到导航工具. I personally escorted her to the next building and helped her through the process and got her the information she needed. 她非常感激." 承诺


这周早些时候在餐车吃午饭的时候, 我没有足够的钱,他们只收现金. Amy Masek loaned me enough to get a meal so I wouldn't lose my place in line or have to run over to the ATM in the bitter cold. 谢谢你艾米!" 有爱心的


"I wanted to thank Kitty Cappellano for her act of kindness on Monday, Jan. 9th. I recently had foot surgery and was having difficulty crossing the street with all the traffic. 凯蒂开着她的越野车停了下来, 在路中间停了下来, 让我安全地过马路,这样我就不会被任何人撞到. 她笑了笑,按了一下喇叭,对着窗外说了声“新年快乐”. 她真是太好了,我很感激她的帮助!" 有爱心的


"I have friends at Clarkson that when I see them everyday they ask me how my day is. I love the fact that I know my classmates and everyone is so willing to help out in anytime of need." 有爱心的

——Sarah Brown,在读学生

"The nursing director of the Emergency Department I work in is a Clarkson alum. I often see him checking in on patients and seeking patient feedback about the care they are receiving. 他致力于高质量的病人护理." 承诺

——Signe Newman,在读学生

“如果你抬头看”有爱心的在字典里,你会看到“凯蒂·卡佩拉诺”。. No matter what she is doing, she will stop everything to help someone else. 不管是一个简短的问题还是更复杂的问题. 基蒂总是乐于助人. 她爱她的学生,愿意为他们做任何事. 就在今天, a student was carrying around a big box of books (the 护理 bundle) and Kitty offered to keep it safe in the Success Center until the student was done with class. 这只是一件小事,但对那个学生来说却有很大的不同.凯蒂,你是最棒的!"


"I came into the library to get some help finding an article for a class. I came in a few minutes before Amy Masek was going to leave, but she helped me anyway. She sat down with me, helped me figure out what I needed, and showed me how to do it. 尽管她一天的工作都快结束了, 她不着急, 或者把我推给别人,这样她就能准时下班了. She made sure I completely unders太d how to use the database, and helped me find an article. She answered all the questions I had, and did not make me feel inadequate at all! 尽管这看起来没什么大不了的, 我被所有的作业压垮了, her kindness and understanding helped to relieve some of the stress that I was having. 寻求帮助已经够难的了, so having someone who doesn't seem burdened by questions was such a huge deal to me. 她是学校的宝贵财富!" 有爱心的


"Andy Lim does an exceptional job at committing to several groups at PG电子APP. It is so nice having a friendly face around campus who is truly passionate about everything he's a part of! 去,安迪!" 承诺

——Molly Forney,在读学生

“我试着穿过浮油, 下雪的停车场到达主楼, 但脚部手术后我穿靴子走路很困难. Josephine Scarpello kindly stopped and offered me a ride to the front door so that I wouldn't fall. She cared enough to go out of her way to help me, and I greatly appreciate it!" 有爱心的


“谢谢吉莉安·瓦格纳的善举. You saw me struggling to open the door to 专业发展 with my "hands full" and you were there to my rescue opening the door and lending a hand to carry things 太." 有爱心的

-临床教育合规协调员Sharon Mantz

"I would like to share an act of kindness by a fellow colleague, JoAnn Acierno. 星期一我得做一个紧急牙科手术. 我打电话来是想取消我的课. 乔安自告奋勇替我一天的班. To me this is a great example of 有爱心的 for a peer, and 承诺 to the Clarkson students." 有爱心的
